Rehearsals 2022/2023


Our concert season usually runs parallel to the school-year calendar. All regular rehearsals are held in the Music Building (300 Lucinda Ave) on the DeKalb campus of Northern Illinois University. Special dress rehearsals are also scheduled before each concert performance, usually in the concert venue. Check the calendar for more details.

Please say, "I Due."

The dues for the upcoming semester are payable when you register, or in consultation with our treasurer, Rick Johns. Please do not let an inability to pay dues prevent you from joining the chorus. If you need financial assistance, contact Rick Johns about a confidential scholarship.
$50 - Regular Membership
$25 - Full-time Student Membership


Each member of the chorus provides his or her own black binder. Please rehearse with a pencil in your hand.
For the health of those with allergies, please do not wear scented products to rehearsals or performances. Thank you!

Attendance Commitment

Regular attendance at rehearsals is expected in order to be prepared to perform in the concert. If you miss more than three rehearsals, please consult with the director regarding your participation in the concert.

If you need to miss a rehearsal, please notify the director of your absence. Also, please talk with other members in your section to learn what was covered in the missed rehearsal and to receive any handouts that were distributed at that time.

Performance Attire

All members must wear a black mask. Men wear all black attire. Black dress pants with a black long sleeved button shirt. Women may either purchase uniform dresses or wear their own black attire. Attire must be modest, with the goal of not standing out by displaying excess skin. The uniform dress meets many important criteria, including being affordable, flattering, modest, and washable. To view the dress online, you may visit Formal Fashions. For more details, please contact our Dress Coordinator, Jan Vandermeer at